I enjoy travel and have been to quite a number of museums. Lately, I’ve begun writing up my reactions to some of the paintings I encounter. In these short essays, I try to focus on work by artists who are a bit out of the standard canon, but who deserve to have attention paid to them. Artwork that has a story to present if only someone will look.

Edith Cockcroft- The Circus is in Town-- 1912

Edith Cockcroft- The Circus is in Town– 1912

“The Circus is in Town” –Edith Cockcroft  (Hunter Museum of American Art)


Jack Levine, "The Arrest", 1983

Jack Levine, “The Arrest”, 1983

“The Arrest” –Jack Levine (Hunter Museum of American Art)


Frank Boggs--"The Seine, Outside Paris, 15 x 22, Oil on canvas, 1885

Frank Boggs–“The Seine, Outside Paris, 15 x 22, Oil on canvas, 1885

“The Seine, Outside Paris” –Frank Boggs (Hunter Museum of American Art)